Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Last week, Loren and I decided to start the Couch To 5K program. Loren can run a 5K no problem, but is using this to run sprints... which are excellent for burning fat! He's running between 9-12mph. I however, am running around 7.5mph, I am focusing more on finishing rather than speed, I'll have plenty of time to work on that later.

We just finished day 4 today, which is the beginning of week 2, so the length of time we ran changed. I am really enjoying it. I tried this a while back and failed. I was extremely out of shape and despite the clever name, I felt I had to be in some kind of shape in order to do it.

I really hope to run an official 5K by the end of this year. :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weight loss comes easily

Just yesterday I was talking about my weight loss slowing down. Once I actually thought about it, it made sense. I'm not working out as intensely as I once was. I haven't gone down in calories in quite some time. According to sparkpeople I should eat between 1200 - 1550. I get about 1300 - 1600. 1200 just isn't realistic for me and I have a lot more muscle than most girls so I naturally should eat more. So it's obvious why my weight loss "slowed down", right? Well I weighed in this morning and I lost 2.3 pounds this week. Which is great.

Losing just 2 pounds is awesome but then you take into consideration that I don't watch my calorie intake on the weekends, I went over my calories twice during the week (50-100 calories, but still), skipped a day of working out and haven't been walking much due to blisters.

All in all, I am pretty content with the weight loss. I feel kind of bad talking about my supposed weight loss issues when people tell me they've been trying to lose weight and can't when they are very careful on their food intake and burn lots of calories. Then you look at me and I can skate through working out and eating and still manage to lose 2 pounds. To be honest it's the weeks I "slack off" that I see a difference on the scale and the weeks I work hard I see more of a difference in my body.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Just thinking

I can't believe this whole watching what I eat and exercise thing really works. For a couple years there, I attempted diets and ended up discourged every time. I would lose weight, gain it back and then some. It was incredibly frustrating. The weird part is, I can't even pin point my original reason for wanting to lose weight. I just remember I wanted to and clearly (by dieting) my original reasons were not about health.

Now a days I am more about my overall health, how I look, and how I feel. While I still have a number in my head I am not as focused on pounds but more so on the looks and feels of everything.

I am really noticing the affects of my 87 pounds down. Shopping is harder than ever but so rewarding. Yesterday, while shopping, I grabbed a size 11 and a size 9. Looking at the 11's I thought "They'll be snug, but thats good, I am still losing weight". Grabbed the 9's and thought "Wishful thinking much?" but decided I'd give them a try. Neither one fit, I didn't even have to unbutton them to get them on. I didn't like the style of them once I got them on so I didn't try 7's to see if they fit or not. But, what an accomplishment so far. At the peak of my weight issues, I had 1 pair of pants and 1 pair of shorts that were both size 18's. While they may have been lose, I was still able to wear them. To go from a size 18 to 7 (at least) is wonderfull. It's just more proof that this works. It is more proof that what I have done for nearly a year has and will continue to "pay off".

I still have goals I am working on. Some of them are; my goal weight, reducing my body fat to 20% (at least, maybe more), becoming a runner, walking more than I already do, and getting to the point I am completely happy with what I see in the mirror. Don't get me wrong, I am happy but I still have problem areas. I am working on them and it will take time.

Since spot reducing does not exist and I can't "tone up" a certain part of my body (i.e. arm, legs, butt, stomach, etc.) because the body decides when and where it will lose fat from... I have to be patient. You can build all the muscle you want but if you are not getting rid of fat, that muscle can't be seen and you wont see that "toneness" that everyone talks about wanting but really don't know how to get it or what it means exactly. You have to think, the muscle is there, you have tons of muscles in your body. While some are bigger & stronger than others, they are all there. Take abs for an example. Everyone has abs, but more often people have fat sitting on top. That is why reducing your overall body fat % is important. That is what I am working towards. Not exactly abs, but reducing body fat so that I will be toned, lean, muscular (girly-style of course, haha).

Of course, some people may need to gain muscle in order to get the "tone" look they are thinking of. After all, everyone is different. Weight training not only builds muscle and gives you strength, it also burns calories for up to 36 hours after. Where as cardio, once you stop that is all that you will burn. So, I just want to share than strength training is NOT just for body builders. It's great for everyone. But please, do some research before attempting it. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First post, boring.

I have a hard time with blogging. I'll use whatever site (blogger, livejournal, etc.) for a while and then just forget about it. Lets try this again, shall we? All previous posts have been deleted and I will start fresh. Who doesn't enjoy a fresh start? =)

Life has been going pretty well lately, not a whole lot going on except a lot of working out and just going with the flow. I don't have too many complaints currently and I'm going to embrace it.

Weight loss is good, I am reaching my goals and improving on many levels of fitness, nutrition, and health. I've been having some trouble deciding if my goal weight was right for me or not, as in maybe my goal weight was too low. After pondering this for a while I figured it's in the middle of the "healthy range" as far as BMI goes and if I reach my goal and decide it's not right for me I can always change it. I can lose more if needed or relax a bit and put some weight on. I've got roughly 30 pounds to lose until I reach this goal. I am looking forward to it.

In case you hadn't noticed I'm not in the best writing moods... but I felt I needed some kind of post on here.