Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First post, boring.

I have a hard time with blogging. I'll use whatever site (blogger, livejournal, etc.) for a while and then just forget about it. Lets try this again, shall we? All previous posts have been deleted and I will start fresh. Who doesn't enjoy a fresh start? =)

Life has been going pretty well lately, not a whole lot going on except a lot of working out and just going with the flow. I don't have too many complaints currently and I'm going to embrace it.

Weight loss is good, I am reaching my goals and improving on many levels of fitness, nutrition, and health. I've been having some trouble deciding if my goal weight was right for me or not, as in maybe my goal weight was too low. After pondering this for a while I figured it's in the middle of the "healthy range" as far as BMI goes and if I reach my goal and decide it's not right for me I can always change it. I can lose more if needed or relax a bit and put some weight on. I've got roughly 30 pounds to lose until I reach this goal. I am looking forward to it.

In case you hadn't noticed I'm not in the best writing moods... but I felt I needed some kind of post on here.